Ministry Of Energy And Mineral Resources Hands Over 55 Solar Power Lights To Illuminate Sumenep Region, Madura

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) symbolically handed over 55 street lighting for solar power (PJU-TS) that has been installed in Sumenep Regency, to the Sumenep Regional Government. The installation of PJU-TS in Sumenep Regency was built in 2023 with the support of the aspirations of members of Commission VII DPR RI.

"The installation of PJU-TS is a form of the government's joint commitment with the DPR RI in carrying out the development of clean energy-based infrastructure that is environmentally friendly. This is also our effort so that the state budget can be directly felt by the community," said Director of Planning and Development of EBTKE Senda Infrastructure Hurmuzam Kanam, Tuesday, May 28.

Senda further said that the installation of PJU-TS is one of the steps taken by the Government to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the use of minimal emissions and environmentally friendly clean energy, to achieve Net Zero Emission (NZE) by 2060 or sooner.

Not only that, PJU-TS is also expected to be useful for local governments to save Regional Original Revenue (PAD) expenditures originating from street lighting taxes.

"Along with the implementation of tariff adjustments for households with a power of 3,500 VA or more and government groups, including the Public Road Lighting Rate (P3) group, the installation of PJU-TS is very useful for local governments to save PAD expenses originating from street lighting tax," he explained.

Senda also appealed to the public to keep the PJU-TS installed so that the benefits can be felt over a long period of time.

Similarly, Member of Commission VII DPR RI Ridwan Hisjam, on this occasion encouraged the public to be proactive in maintaining PJU-TS in coordination if the unit did not function. Because this PJU-TS provides great benefits for the community, Ridwan hopes that this program will continue in the future.