2 Reasons For Free Lunch Programs To Turn Into Free Nutrition Food

YOGYAKARTA The reason for the free lunch program to turn into free nutritious food has caught the attention of the public. The name change has even been announced by the elected president Prabowo Subianto.

According to him, the flagship program, which is called the free lunch, has another more appropriate term, namely free nutritious food for children. Prabowo also had time to say that the reason for changing the name of the free lunch so a free nutritious meal was done for the flexibility of the program implementation.

"I want a little correction. After we study it, it turns out that the right term is a free nutritious meal for the children. That's complete," said Prabowo, Thursday, May 25, quoted from the YouTube channel tvOneNews.

There are two reasons for changing the name of the free lunch program submitted by the Expert Council of the Budiman National Campaign Team, Sudjatmiko.

The first reason, as stated by Prabowo, is the flexibility based on the time of giving food.

"Yes, now eating nutritious free does not mean that the initial plan for free lunch is not nutritious, only the meal time is not limited. So there are two possibilities, you can replace breakfast for breakfast," explained Budiman Sudjatmiko, atkitp detikcom.

The second reason, said Budiman, is related to budget savings. The name of the program is considered to have an impact on the realization of the program by the government. He admitted that his party was currently calculating the realization of the program.

"When Pak Prabowo was still campaigning (free food budget) around Rp. 400 trillion per year, that's roughly right, but that's assuming food intake from anywhere. But after we calculate, there is a possibility that we can cut it half," he explained again.

In addition to changing names, Budiman also said that there was a change in the management concept, especially from food sources that were originally planned for imports, so the domestic production process was carried out. It also considers villages as a source of production and food suppliers.

"Even 80 percent of the nutritional food program needs can be met by villages in the province concerned," he said.

Not only cutting production costs, the plan will also cut the usual distribution. The production pattern is also considered to boost the economy in the village.

In addition, it is said that there will be plans to open new fields with an area of 650 thousand hectares, as well as the construction of new livestock sheds of 50 thousand pieces until 2029 until the program is fully implemented.

"We project that if the full scale of 82 million people in 2029, it can create high productivity with 650 thousand hectares of new rice fields for this nutritious eating program, then 50 thousand new cages to raise meat supply," he explained.

That's information regarding the reason the free lunch program turned into free nutritious food. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.