Limit Consumption Of Protein Foods, Here Are 7 Diet Tips For Kidney Stone Patients

YOGYAKARTA After getting a diagnosis of experiencing kidney stones, a person needs to change his lifestyle and a healthier diet. Health experts certainly provide what recommendations are allowed and should not be made. Diet experts will also provide recommendations for food or drinks that are taboo for kidney stone sufferers.

Kidney rock is hard mass formed from crystals in urine. For most people, natural chemistry in urine prevents the formation of rocks that cause problems in the kidneys. Please note, the most common type of kidney stone is calcium, followed by uric acid. So diet and medical care can prevent kidney stone formation from re-growing. For this reason, here is a diet for kidney stone sufferers that is important to do.

Oxalats are naturally contained in many foods. These include fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, pods, even chocolate and tea. Specifically, kidney stone sufferers need to limit certain types of foods. Among them are peanuts, rhubarb, spinach, bits, potatoes, chocolate, and sweet potatoes. Limiting the intake of this food may be beneficial for people who have calcium oxalat which is the main type of kidney stone.

Calsium has a bad reputation, because of the main cause of calcium-oxalat stones. But drinking milk, yogurt, and some types of cheese along with everyday meals, tends to reduce the chance of kidney stones forming. It should be noted that calcium's low diet increases the chances of developing kidney stones. However, avoid getting calcium from supplements.

High foods contain purbins, including red meat, jeroans, beer or alcoholic beverages, meat kernels, sardines, anchovies, and shells. Purin is a natural compound that causes higher gout production and greater acid burdens must be removed by the kidneys. The excretion of gout is higher, facilitating the formation of goutstones. So, limit food and drinks that are high in purbin.

Vitamin B includes tiamin, riboflavin, niasin, B6, and B12 that have not been shown to be harmful to kidney stone sufferers. But research breakthroughs show that B6 can actually help people with high levels of urine oxalat. However, it is best to consult with your health experts or dietists to get advice on the use of vitamin C, vitamin D, fish liver oil, or other mineral supplements containing calcium. This is because some supplements can increase the possibility of rock formation in some individuals.

At least, one day it is recommended to drink two liters of mineral water or eight glasses. For kidney stone sufferers, it is also recommended to drink that much. But avoid drinking soft drinks and Balinese orange juice. This will help lower urine more concentrated with good urine volume, at least 2.5 liters per day.

High protein intake will cause the kidneys to release more calcium, causing more kidney stones to form. In addition, avoid high salt intake. Because high sodium intake increases calcium in urine and increases the chances of developing kidney stones. Low salt diets, also important to control blood pressure.

Based on the US Diet Reference intake reported by the National Kidney Foundation, Tuesday, May 28, kidney stone sufferers are encouraged to consume 60 mg/day. The amount of consumption of vitamin C levels is more than 1000 mg/day or more can produce more oxalats in the body.

That is a diet recommendation for kidney stone sufferers. In addition to paying attention to every food and drink consumed, it is also important to regularly exercise, live a healthy lifestyle, and consult doctors regularly to get the most appropriate advice.