Canceled This Year, Jokowi Confirms That The Increase In UKT Next Year Will Be Reviewed

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that the increase in single tuition fees (UKT) at each university will be studied and calculated first by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).

The study needs to be carried out so that the UKT increase policy is not suddenly carried out.

"This possibility will be evaluated first, then the increase in each university will be studied and calculated so that this is still possible. Later, the policy at the Minister of Education and Culture will begin to increase next year. So, there is an indirect pause like today," said President Jokowi as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, May 27.

President Jokowi has summoned Minister of Education and Technology Nadiem Makarim to the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Monday, May 27, to discuss the UKT issue.

President Jokowi gave considerations to the Minister of Education and Culture regarding the increase in UKT.

"I gave considerations, but earlier it was conveyed by the Minister of Education and Culture that the temporary UKT whose very high increase was canceled and will be arranged to be relaxed, later technically asked to the Minister of Education and Culture, but basically it has been canceled by the Minister of Education and Culture," said Jokowi.

The government has decided to cancel the policy to increase the amount of UKT, which is regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Number 2 of 2024.

According to Nadiem, the decision was taken after the government had a dialogue with the rectors of the university and heard the aspirations of various stakeholders regarding the issues that have recently been in the public spotlight.

"The Ministry of Education and Culture has taken the decision to cancel the UKT increase this year and we will evaluate all requests for an increase in UKT from PTN (state universities)," said Nadiem after meeting President Jokowi.

He explained that for this year, no students will be affected by the UKT increase policy, while the government will evaluate one by one requests from universities for an increase in UKT next year.