Sri Mulyani Has Disbursed A Budget Of IDR 55.5 Trillion For The Distribution Of Social Assistance

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance recorded that until April 2024 the realization of spending on social assistance (bansos) had reached Rp55.5 trillion, a decrease of 2.9 percent compared to the same period last year.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati explained that the realization of social assistance had decreased due to the distribution of the 2024 phase II Family Hope Program (PKH) which had not been fully distributed.

"Social assistance spending until April is IDR 55.5 trillion, when viewed compared to 2023, it actually decreased by 2.9 percent," he said at a press conference on our State Budget, Monday, May 27.

The realization of social assistance, among others, was channeled through the Ministry of Social Affairs amounting to Rp27.7 trillion, distributed through PKH for 10 million beneficiary families (KPM), and basic food cards for 18.7 million KPM.

Furthermore, it was distributed through the Ministry of Health in the amount of Rp. 15.4 trillion to meet the financing of recipients of national health insurance contribution assistance (PBI JKN) for 96.7 million underprivileged public participants.

Then, channeled through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) amounting to Rp10.7 trillion for the assistance of the Smart Indonesia program (PIP) to 7.9 students, and the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) Lectures for 735.1 thousand students.

The distribution was also carried out through the Ministry of Religion amounting to Rp1.6 trillion for student assistance which was unable to afford 1.5 million, and KIP for 42.9 thousand students.

Then to be distributed through the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) amounting to Rp64.5 billion for disaster emergency response.