Call Center PPDB 2024 Command Post Is Difficult To Contact, DKI Education Office Apologizes

JAKARTA - Deputy Head of the DKI Jakarta Education Office, Purwosusilo, apologized because the Jakarta new student admissions call center (PPDB) for the 2024/2024 school year was difficult to reach.

This was revealed by Purwosuslilo after being questioned by members of the council at the working meeting of Commission E of the DKI Jakarta DPRD.

"I'm sorry if the seconds today, it turns out that (PPDB call center service) is not satisfactory. It's bad for me," said Purwosusilo at the DKI Jakarta DPRD building, Monday, May 27.

Purwosusilo promised to improve the performance of his staff, especially the Jakarta PPDB committee this year in order to help complaints from prospective students in registering for the destination school.

"I will evaluate the performance of the ladies related to this one. This is a concern. We have conveyed it to friends in the Sub-Department, at all posts, and all educational units to be responsive related to requests for explanation or assistance from the community," explained Purwosusilo.

Previously, Deputy Chairman of Commission E of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Elva Farhi Qolbina, received a complaint from the guardian of prospective students about the difficulty of contacting the service number (call center) of the PPDB committee for the 2024/2025 academic year.

"Sometimes we have problems with technical matters. Substantives are okay, the spirit is okay, but technically it is sometimes very weak," said Elva.

In the meeting, Elva tried to contact the Central Jakarta PPDB post call center 1 in front of the DKI Disdik ranks. When checked, it turned out that the number could not be contacted.

Then, when Elva contacted the PPDB post in Central Jakarta 2, the connected tone was heard, but unfortunately the phone was not picked up by the post operator.

"It can't be contacted, sir. This is the SMKN 1, both of which cannot be contacted. I'm trying both of them, sir, they can't connect," said Elva.

"How come, we have to go to Mr. Kadis if there are complaints like this? Then what is the function of the complaint? What is the function of the call center?" he continued.