Soak Jago Acungkan Celurit Rusak Kaca Mobil Warga, 2 Pemuda Di Temanggung Diringkus Polisi

TemanGGung - Temanggung Police, Central Java, detained two members of a brawl gang carrying sharp weapons of the type of sickle with the initials FK (22) a resident of Candimulyo Hamlet, Kedu, and MNS (21) a resident of Mudal Village, Temanggung.Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Temanggung Police, AKP Budi Raharjo, said that the two gang members who had been named as suspects were known to be brandishing sharp weapons on the Pringsurat highway and disturbing residents."On Saturday, May 18, 2024, at 05.30 WIB, it was reported that someone was carrying sharp weapons and vandalizing car windows parked in front of a house on Jalan Raya Pringsurat, Nglarangan Hamlet, Ngipik Village, Pringsurat Disaster," Budi explained when releasing the case in Temanggung, Antara, Monday, May 26.The Temanggung Police Resmob together with the Pringsurat Police Criminal Investigation Unit conducted an investigation and then arrested two people who were carrying sharp weapons and carrying out destruction.In that case, the Temanggung Police confiscated two sharp sickle-type weapons with a length of about 1.5 meters with a black handle and a 1.15 meter long sickle with a brown handle.In addition, the police also confiscated the Honda Scoopy and Honda Vario motorized vehicles used by the two men.
Two suspects were charged with Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951 Article 2 Paragraph (1) and Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 9 of 1984. "The threat of imprisonment is a maximum of ten years," he said.