Attempted Kidnapping Of 3 Elementary School Students In Bengkulu, Police Intens Patrol To Anticipate

BENGKULU - Bengkulu Police have alerted personnel to patrol a number of schools to anticipate child kidnapping cases."A number of personnel have been alerted to carry out patrols to maintain security situations in a number of schools," said Bengkulu Police Chief Kombes Deddy Nata in Bengkulu, as reported by Antara, Monday, May 27.This step was taken by the police following the attempted kidnapping of 3 students of SDN 03 Bengkulu City on May 18. The perpetrator had time to pull the victim into the car during school hours.According to the information gathered, the incident took place in front of the Sukamerindu Toko, Bengkulu City. Three victims sit in grade 5 SDN 03 with the initials AL, GI and DE.Deddy continued, a number of officers will intensify patrolling to keep students safe. The police also appealed to parents to take care and educate their children not to be invited by unknown people.One of the eyewitnesses, Rina, explained that the attempted kidnapping case was discovered after she saw children running around like being chased and she had asked a suspected perpetrator who got out of the car while hunting for the children.Due to this incident, the Head of SD Negeri 03 Bengkulu City, Evi Aprianti, said that his party would further increase supervision of children, especially after class hours and prohibit children from leaving the school environment before being picked up by their families.
"So we ask parents to pick them up on time so that their children don't have to wait too long at school," he said.