The Ombudsman Of The Republic Of Indonesia Claims That The Implementation Of The 2024 Eid Homecoming Is Running Smoothly: A Lot Of Progress Has Been Achieved

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ombudsman claims that the implementation of the 2024 Lebaran homecoming has been running smoothly. This is reflected in the collaboration between the central government, local governments, BUMN and the community that is running well.

"The implementation of public services related to the ongoing flow of homecoming shows that an excellent collaboration has taken place between the central government, local governments, BUMN, the community and of course the Ombudsman as a supervisory agency," said Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Ombudsman Bobby Hamzar Rafinus in the agenda of submitting the 2024 Eid Homecoming Results Monitoring Report which was monitored online, Monday, May 27.

"And I try to see what has been done by ladies and gentlemen in the government regarding the implementation of public service in the flow of homecoming, I read that a lot of progress has been made," he continued.

Bobby said, based on the results of the evaluation meeting that had been held by the government, there were several indicators of progress that had been conveyed.

For example, the Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi reported that the average speed of Jakarta-Semarang was better than last year. Then, the police said that the accident victims had also decreased considerably compared to the previous year.

"So, of course, these indicators make us all happy so that we can maintain and improve in the years to come," he said.

According to him, effective supervision is one of the efforts to ensure the smoothness and comfort of the community on homecoming trips.

"The policy of implementing homecoming that prioritizes safety and security is an important part of the government's efforts as mandated in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution to protect citizens and the public," he said.

Furthermore, said Bobby, the steps taken by the government based on the indicators that have been submitted have provided the results expected by all parties.

"I express my highest appreciation to the ranks of the central and regional governments, BUMN and all parties involved in supervising the implementation of this homecoming flow," he added.