Psychologically, These 5 Mindsets Support Success

YOGYAKARTA If you have the right mindset, psychologically success is supported by a healthy mentality. Of course, a mindset needs to be formed continuously and continuously. For this reason, check the following psychological mindset that supports success.

Positive strengthening, one of which respects the behavior you want, will be better and generates than punishment. The desired behavior, for example, achieves goals, does something positive, buys something for yourself, or calls relatives and closest people you love. This is much better than blaming yourself when you haven't achieved your goals or made mistakes.

Use a learning approach for everything you do or want to achieve. Try taking lessons from anything, including when dealing with a new situation, even when you make mistakes. Launching Psychology Today, Sunday, May 26, psychologist Carol Dweck calls this a pola mind to thrive'. His advice, take time to reflect on the experience. What you get after making a mistake, and what you are encouraged to do is try more to be successful.

It doesn't mean you have to work more than working hours. But thinking productive means focusing on performance and getting things done. The focus is on achieving goals, not only quantity but also quality. That is, a productive mindset not only sees what is done but also how it is achieved. The message of the professor of leadership and organizational psychology at Claremont McKenna College, Ronald E. Riggio, Ph.D., productive mindset must also improve the balance of work life. Work does not mean forgetting time for yourself, friends, and family.

According to psychological research,'resilience' is a way to turn stress triggers into challenges. Instead of letting yourself be burdened by stress triggers, a person who has resilience will cognitively frame into a challenge that needs to be overcome. That is, rather than giving in to the cause of stress, it is necessary to think about how to beat, overcome, or at least control it.

The Pygmalion effect, initiated by psycholot Robert Rosenthal, is about maintaining positive expectations towards others. This positive thing is conveyed to other individuals through verbal and nonverbal behavior. Although the Pygmalion effect focuses on the performance and outcomes of others, it will tell us to have positive expectations about our own abilities and our chances of success.

Those are the five mindsets that psychologically support success. Is there a list above that you already have in overcoming the storm of challenges to achieve success?