Pertek Kemenperin Policy Is Considered Not To Hamper Domestic Electronic Production

JAKARTA - The Association of Electronic Entrepreneurs (Gabel) considers that the technical considerations (pertek) issued by the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) do not hinder the production of the domestic electronics sector at all.

Instead, with the prohibition and restrictions from the Pertek, it makes the national industrial climate more secure, especially to increase competitiveness.

"We, as producers, are very surprised because so far there have been no problems with technology that have hampered our production activities. This has created uncertainty in investment in the electronics sector," said Secretary-General of Gabel Daniel Suhardiman as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, May 26. He said the latest import regulations were Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag) Number 8 of 2024, which technically in the regulation no longer requires pertek, it is feared that it could have a negative impact on the domestic industry.

This is because technical considerations are one of the important instruments to control imported goods that enter so as not to dominate the domestic market.

"So, not only makes imports easier, this rule has the potential to enter cheap products because of the overflow of production in the country of origin, especially China," he said.

In addition, he said, with the relaxation of imported goods, it also has the potential to hinder the realization of national industrial investment. So that in the long term it has the potential to bring Indonesia towards deindustrialization.

"In the long term, the impact of deindustrialization will occur. What is certain is that currently investment plans for additional lines and/or new categories are almost all detained," he said.

He considered that his party supports the issuance of Permendag No. 36/2023 as one of the important regulations to increase investment and domestic production.

This is because, in the regulation, the existence of Pertek is expected to provide opportunities to increase industrial competitiveness from the invasion of downstream imported products, not intercept raw materials for the domestic manufacturing industry.

Previously, the Ministry of Industry said that the issuance of pertek, which is a follow-up to the Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag) Number 36 of 2023 concerning Import Policy and Regulation, only takes five working days.

This is because the work on the issuance of the Pertek has been carried out digitally, without having to face-to-face between industry players as applicants and the government giving permission.

Entrepreneurs can apply for technical considerations through the National Industrial Information System (SIINAs) which was previously determined by the Ministry of Industry, free of charge.