Dozens Of Illegal Alcohol Dus At Night Entertainment Places Confiscated By Jambi Police

Jambi Police confiscated dozens of boxes or boxes containing alcoholic beverages that were not licensed from two karaoke places at Operation Antik Siginjai 2024.

Head of the Jambi Police Narcotics Investigation Unit (Kasat Resnarkoba) Kompol Johan C Silaen said, of the two karaoke places in Jambi City, dozens of boxes containing alcoholic beverages were secured because they did not have a permit.

"We will call them to ask for information, what is clear is that from the two karaoke places there was no permit for alcoholic beverages," Johan said as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, May 26.

Antik Siginjai operation which was carried out again on Friday (25/5) targeted karaoke places in Jelutung District and in Simpang Tiga Sipin Village, Jambi City.

Initially, the Jambi Police Narcotics Investigation Unit (Satresnarkoba) visited a karaoke place located in Jelutung District.

Personnel checked one by one karaoke rooms and found a number of visitors.

Personnel conducted urine tests on visitors whose results were not found by drug users. However, at this location the police confiscated dozens of boxes of alcoholic beverages.

Furthermore, personnel visited a karaoke place located at Simpang Tiga Sipin, Jambi City. Here, the police also confiscated alcoholic beverages that did not have a permit.

The police also checked all karaoke visitors through a urine test. From the test results, one person who tested positive for drugs was found.

The police immediately took the karaoke visitor and confiscated dozens of boxes of alcoholic beverages without the permit.