Indonesian Fleet Services Optimistic To Continue Market Expansion In 2024

JAKARTA - On April 1, 2024, the government through the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation officially delegated the Port Business Entity (BUP) of PT Jasa Armada Indonesia Tbk (IPCM) to carry out ship guidance and delay services in the waters of Obimayor Island, West Coast in the extraordinary guided waters of the Laiwui Port, North Maluku Province.

IPCM President Director, Shanti Puruhita said, the Government has given confidence in the implementation of guidance and delay services in the waters of Obimayor Island, West Coast. This brings good news in early 2024 as well as proud.

"We will continue to be committed to improving delayed guidance services to maintain the safety of ships, cargo, and public trust, our shareholders and business partners," he said in a written statement, Saturday, May 25.

Obi Island, South Halmahera, North Maluku will be developed into a nickel mining center and smelter with a production capacity of up to 240 thousand tons of sulfate nickel per year and is part of a national strategic project to support the development of nickel downstream in Eastern Indonesia.

The nickel ore ( nickel seed), limousine and saprolite mining process, one of which was carried out by Harita Nickle, mining group and processing industry since 2010 through the flag of PT Trimegah Bangun Persada (TBP).

"In this region, the prospects are very good where IPCM will serve guidance for nickel cargo ships because here the nickel sulfate factory stands, which is the main ingredient for the preparation of electric vehicle battery cathode precursors. This nickel sulfate factory is the first in Indonesia as well as the largest in the world in terms of production capacity. The initial export of nickel sulfate was carried out in June 2023", he said.

Shanti further added that RI has the world's largest nickel sulfate factory operated by affiliates from PT Trimegah Bangun Persada Tbk (NCKL), Harita Nickel group. Of course, IPCM is very excited about the start of the cooperation in guide and delay services in the waters of Obimayor Island.

"Where we will play a role in supporting the government's efforts to build a downstream industry that has a sustainable economic impact," he said.

In addition, in 2024 IPCM will also continue to actively strengthen its business by carrying out a number of cooperation in guiding services and postponing ships in several places with strategic partners. Until now, IPCM has succeeded in extending business cooperation agreements for services in the BUP area for the transfer of IPCM's guidance and ship delays, namely in the TUKS area of PT Cemindo Gemilang, Bayah (Banten) and Tersus PT Nusantara Regas, Thousand Islands.

In line with the company's business expansion, Shanti added, IPCM is committed so that good environmental management can continue. In addition, contributions to the surrounding community through targeted community assistance programs are also maintained.