Not Afraid Against Bobby In The Gubernatorial Election, North Sumatra PDIP: Against Pak Harto We Are Strong

JAKARTA - The DPD PDI-P (PDIP) of North Sumatra Province is not worried about the advancement of Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution in the North Sumatra gubernatorial election. They are ready to face President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) son-in-law.

"This is the PDI-P of an ideological party and a party that puts forward honest and moral democracy. The PDI-P against Pak Suharto alone is strong, we only rely on ideology, principles and honesty," said Chairman of the North Sumatra PDIP DPD Rapidin Simbolon to reporters during the PDIP V National Working Meeting at the Beach City International Stadium, Ancol, North Jakarta, Saturday, May 25.

Rapidin said the North Sumatra PDIP DPD must have struggled to win the regional elections, including in Medan City. However, he did not want to specify the strategy used.

"If it's a special strategy, I can't tell you here," he said.

As for the figures who have registered, Rapidin said there are several names. One of them is the former Governor of North Sumatra Edy Rahmayadi and Musa Rajekshah or Ijeck.

"Ijeck also wants to register, then from within our party there is Nikson Nababan, then there is also Marga Simorangkir. We will do this later and we will map it politically in North Sumatra," he said.

So I think we also invite other party friends to work together to win the candidate we will carry later. I am sure that the PDI-P will triumph in North Sumatra," concluded Rapidin.