Second Day Of The PDIP V National Working Meeting, Megawati Will Give Closed Directions To Cadres

Chairman of the PDI-P (PDIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri is scheduled to provide a closed briefing to her cadres during the second day of the National Working Meeting V.

The plan is that the PDIP DPD will be given the opportunity to convey public views. After that, Megawati delivered a closed briefing at the Beach City International Stadium, Ancol, North Jakarta, Saturday, May 25.

The event will continue with the PDIP National Working Meeting Commission V session. There are three things that will be discussed, namely; political attitudes, people's programs, and simultaneous regional elections in 2024.

Megawati had previously opened the PDIP National Working Meeting with the theme 'Satyam Eva Jayate, Truth Must Win' with the theme 'The Power of People's Unity, The Way Of Truth Is Working' on Friday, May 24. There were several things that were conveyed in his political speech before the cadres and invitees who were present at the Beach City International Stadium, Ancol, North Jakarta, one of which was about the party's attitude in the upcoming government.

According to him, burial still has to be done to determine future attitudes. Megawati admitted that she would hear grassroots before making a decision.

"How does PDIP's attitude towards the future government, of course, must be carefully observed," said Megawati when opening the PDIP V National Working Meeting at the Beach City International Stadium, Friday, May 24.

Megawati emphasized that the sound of grassroots will all be listened to without exception. "From those who shout to make up and continue to fight for healthy democratic institutions, this is part of the priority scale at the National Working Meeting V," he said.

Even so, the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia still mentioned the need for an equalizer to nourish democracy in the future. Control is still needed against the ongoing government.

"In responding to politics in the future as a party that has a long history of fighting for democracy, we still place the importance of checking and balance that democracy requires control and balance," said Megawati.