Garuda Indonesia Doesn't Prepare Extra Flight On Long Holidays, Here's Why

JAKARTA - President Director of PT Garuda Indonesia, Irfan Setiaputra, revealed that he did not apply for extra flights during the long holiday season to commemorate Vesak Day from Thursday, May 23 to Sunday, May 26, 2024.

He explained that until now it was not too necessary to add flights.

"The answers are not all (extra flight submissions), there is no need," he said, Friday, May 24.

According to Irfan, although currently on the long holiday of the 2024 Vesak Day, the number of passengers did not increase significantly

In contrast to the long holiday conditions two weeks ago when the commemoration of the Ascension of Jesus Christ on Thursday (9/5/2024) to Sunday (12/5/2024), at that time Garuda Indonesia proposed extra flight.

"That (extra flight submission) has been prepared for a long time, but not much," he said.

Nevertheless, Irfan said that his party was still monitoring the condition of booking tickets for the long holiday music for the 2024 Vesak Day.

He explained that the request for additional flights is very dynamic. So there needs to be supervision and adjusting the needs of the community.

"But we monitor, we like last minute requests," he said.

When asked about the price of plane tickets, Irfan said that at a moment like this his party had prepared various offers.

"We always give special prices for certain days and certain destinations," he said.