China: Military Exercises Around Taiwan Legal Steps To Take Action Against Separatists

JAKARTA - The Chinese government insists that joint military exercises of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Eastern Command around Taiwan Island are necessary and legitimate steps to crack down on the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces and activities.Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin emphasized that the joint exercise also gave warnings of external interference and provocation.China's PLA Eastern Command 2024A Joint Sword Exercise was held in the Taiwan Strait, northern, southern and eastern parts of Taiwan Island, as well as areas around Kinmen, Matsu, Wuqiu, and Dongyin islands starting Thursday, May 23 morning at 7:45 p.m. local time.The exercise focused on patrolling the readiness of joint sea-air combat, a comprehensive battlefield control race, and a combined precision attack on key targets followed by military service including the army, navy, air force, and command rocket forces."I need to emphasize that Taiwan is an inseparable part of China's territory. This is a fact based on true history and status quo, and will remain so in the future. 'Taiwan independence' will surely fail," Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference in Beijing. Thursday quoted via Antara.The Chinese people, according to Wang Wenbin, will not be strong in defending territorial sovereignty and integrity."We urge the United States to stop conspiring or supporting the Separatist forces of 'Taiwan independence' and stop interfering in China's internal affairs. Any effort that endangers national sovereignty and the integrity of Chinese territory will be dealt with firmly," said Wang Wenbin.He also said that whenever "separatists of Taiwan independence" caused problems, China and the rest of the world worked hard to maintain the principle of "One China".The exercise is said to involve patrols of ships and aircraft approaching areas around the island of Taiwan as well as integrated operations inside and outside the island's chain to test the joint combat capabilities of the command force.In addition, Beijing has also imposed an air defense identification zone (ADIZ) that closes the southern side of Taiwan.The exercise was held three days later from the inauguration of William Lai Ching-te from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which is very persistent in fighting for Taiwanese a Taiwanese leader.China last held a major exercise with Taiwan's total siege scenario in mid-2022. The exercise was in response to the visit of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taipei in August 2022.In response to China's joint military exercise, Taipei also deployed fighter jets, including the Mirage 2000 Jet, and warships on guard in its airspace and waters.William Lai himself is described as a defender of Taiwan's democracy, but Beijing calls him "dangerous" and is one of the " separatist groups" so that it can trigger cross-south conflicts.
Under the leadership of Tsai Ing-wen from the DPP since 2016, Taiwan has taken a tough stance against Beijing as well as the principle of "One China" which says that Taiwan is under Beijing's rule.