LPSK Still Waiting For The Completeness Of The One Witness File For The Facts In The Vina Cirebon Case To Apply For Protection

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) Susilaningtias said he was still waiting for the completeness of the files of one witness in the rape and murder of Vina and her lover, Muhammad Rizky or Eki in Cirebon, West Java (West Java).

The fact witness has just applied for protection to LPSK.

"If the person concerned has completed the file, then we will decide on 30 working days," said Susilaningtias when confirmed Friday, May 24.

However, LPSK will extend the decision to receive the protection if there are several things that need to be studied further.

"But it can also be extended if further research is needed," he continued.

Regarding the identity of the one witness who applied for protection, he admitted that he could not convey it. He only confirmed that the witness was a man who knew about the incident.

"(Identity) sorry we can't convey it yet. Because it's still early and we're still investigating. He's a man. Anyway, the witness who knows about the incident," he said.

Previously, one witness related to the murder and rape case of Vina and her lover Eki had applied for protection at LPSK on Wednesday, May 22.

"Regarding this case, we will continue this case. There is one witness who submitted it to LPSK. So far it is still being assisted and we ask for further information regarding all kinds of administration," said Susilaningtias.

In addition, in this case, the LPSK has also coordinated or communicated with the victim's family.

"The victim's family is actually already in contact with his attorney, later we will follow up immediately related to complaints at LPSK," he said.