Babak Baru Mulai, Satu Saksi Kasus Vina Cirebon Sudah Mengajukan Perlindungan Ke LPSK

JAKARTA - One witness in the murder and rape case against Vina Cirebon submitted a request for protection to the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK), Jakarta. LPSK is currently still investigating and deepening the application.

Deputy Chairperson of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency, Susilaningtyas, said that currently there has been one witness in the Vina Cirebon case who submitted a request for protection against LPSK.

"Regarding this case, we will continue this case. There is one witness who submitted it to LPSK. So far it is still being assisted and we ask for further information regarding all kinds of administration," he said when confirmed, Friday, May 24.

So far, the form of protection application submitted by the witness is an assistance. LPSK is currently conducting research and deepening related to the request, in order to decide whether the applicant or witness meets the requirements to be protected or not.

"We are still investigating whether there may be witnesses or victims or the families of witnesses or victims who apply to LPSK," he said.

In addition, in this case, the LPSK has also coordinated or communicated with the victim's family.

"Actually, the victim's family has made contact - contact with their attorney, later we will follow up immediately regarding complaints at LPSK," he said.

Previously, a fugitive named Pegi alias Perong was arrested by the West Java Regional Police in the Bandung area on Tuesday night, May 21. Pegi alias Perong was only arrested after 8 years as a fugitive from the police.

Pegi alias Perong is one of three people on the wanted list (DPO) or fugitives in the murder case of Vina and Muhammad Rizky or Eky in Cirebon. The investigator is currently undergoing investigation.

This murder case occurred around August 2016. At that time, Vina and her boyfriend, Eki, were riding a motorcycle. They are said to be being followed by a group of motorcycle gangs.

While at SMP 11 times Tanjung Cirebon, Vina and Eki were dismissed. Then, both of them were taken to a quiet place by the perpetrators.

They are said to have been beaten by a group of motorcycle gangs. In fact, Vina was harassed before being killed.

Then, the perpetrators took the bodies of Vina and Eki and put them on the street. They made a scenario if the lovers died as a result of a single accident.

Along with the investigation and investigation process, the police found that there were allegations of criminal acts. Until finally named 8 people as suspects.

They are Rivaldi Aditya Wardana, Eko Ramadhani, Jaya, Supriyanto, Eka Sandi, Hadi Saputra, Sudirman, and Saka Tatal.

In fact, the eight people have undergone a trial process. As a result, 7 people were sentenced to life in prison. While the remaining one was sentenced to 8 years in prison because he was still a minor.

During the hunt for the three suspects, the police published a wanted list or DPO. They are Dani (28), Andi (31), and Pegi (30) alias Perong.

Even in this case, Polda Metro Jaya also helped the West Java Regional Police to hunt down the fugitives.