Police Hunt For Women Supplying Methamphetamine 3 Ternate ASN Arrested In Jakarta

The police are hunting for a woman with the initials I suspected of supplying methamphetamine, which was secured from the arrest of three Ternate State Civil Apparatus (ASN), North Maluku on Jalan Percetakan Negara, Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta (Jakpus).

The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indardi, said that based on the examination of the perpetrators with the initials RJA, AFM and MBD, they admitted that the methamphetamine that was secured came from I.

"A woman with the initials I (is being pursued)," said Ade Ary in his statement, Friday, May 24.

Ade Ary said that currently the woman has the status of a People's Wanted List (DPO) for stocking the illicit goods to 3 Ternate ASNs.

"Iyah sudsh DPO wanita berinisial I," ucapnya.

Previously, the police arrested three Ternate ASNs on suspicion of drug abuse of methamphetamine in the Cempaka Putih area, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, May 22.

The three were arrested with evidence of methamphetamine weighing 0.16 grams which was found in a cigarette pack.

"After a body search, it was found that 1 clip of methamphetamine was in a filter cigarette pack," said Ade Ary.