Syahrini And Reino Barack Hold Events 7 Months In Singapore, Only Attended By The Core Family

JAKARTA - The couple Syahrini and Reino Barack are experiencing happy moments waiting for the birth of their baby. The age of the singer of the song 'You Choose Me' has been seven months.

Syahrini's younger brother, Aisyahrani, said that his brother's seven-month baby meeting had taken place in Singapore. The event was only attended by the nuclear family.

"Yes, Alhamdulillah, it has entered 7 (months). Pray for smooth, healthy, everything, yes, amen. It's true that the 7-month event is only the nuclear family, yesterday we met there," said Aisyahrani, quoted by VOI from YouTube Intense Investigation, Friday, May 24.

Aisyahrani also explained that at the 7th monthly event the decorations of the location of the event were decorated with flowers. This is because the figure of Syahrini really likes flowers.

Therefore, at this special moment Syahrini also graced the event with the theme of flowers.

"Yes, Icess (Syahrini's nickname) likes flowers, she really likes flowers, so there must be the flowers everywhere, whatever the event is, the flowers are always there," continued Aisyahrani.

"So yes, it's called a special moment for a future mother, it must present the best, these important moments," he said.