Regarding The Central Java Pilkada, PDIP: We Have No Lack Of Leader Stock!

Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto emphasized that his party did not lack a leader figure to be promoted in the 2024 Pilkada, including in Central Java. There is already a regeneration system that has been made in such a way.

"Regarding the Central Java Pilkada, we are a party that is systemic in holding party school regeneration. We have no shortage of leader stocks because they (cadres, ed) have been prepared in stages," Hasto told reporters quoted on Thursday, May 23.

Hasto believes that many people are qualified within his party to be nominated in the regional elections. "Both from the central and regional levels as well as from regional heads and other party cadres," he said.

Even so, Hasto has not detailed who the figures are prepared for Central Java. This is because all regional head candidates will be announced simultaneously in accordance with the 2024 Pilkada stages.

"This is being discussed because it is a strategic thing," he said.

"And of course it will be announced simultaneously as in the simultaneous regional elections, there will be the announcement of the first stage, second stage, third stage, and so on," concluded Hasto.