Hasto Regarding Puan And Jokowi's Meeting At WWF Bali: State Duty

Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto said the meeting between Puan Maharani who is the Chair of the PDIP DPP and the Speaker of the DPR and President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is a common thing.

It is known that the second meeting took place during the 10th World Water Forum in Bali during the dinner moment. Puan seemed to shake hands with Jokowi and had a chance to talk for a moment.

"The meeting between Pak Jokowi as president and Mbak Puan as chairman of the DPR RI was held (in order, red) for legal-formal functions and state duties," Hasto told reporters at the PDIP DPP Office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, May 22.

"Where Indonesia will host a very important conference (that is, red) WWF," he continued.

Hasto said that this event was indeed a concern for his party because it was in line, namely strengthening environmental sustainability. "This includes maintaining the source of the spring, protecting the environment," he said.

"It's an international preference that is in line with party ideology and has been a concern for the PDI-P," said Hasto.

Hasto explained that his party had done a lot in an effort to preserve the environment as ordered by PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri. In fact, he called this step an indirect party culture.

"Doing river maintenance, cleaning rivers, saving springs, carrying out reforestation, and it became a culture that was built by the party," he concluded.