The Bus Driver Of The Junior High School Group Who Accident On The Jombang Toll Road Fell Asleep While Driving

The East Java Regional Police said the bus driver had fallen asleep during an accident between a tourism bus carrying a group of school children and a truck on the Jombang-Mojokerto Toll Road, causing two people to die.

The Director of Traffic (Dirlantas) of the East Java Police (Jatim) Kombes Komarudin explained that his party had asked for information from a number of witnesses, including the driver of the tourism bus. The person concerned was examined regarding the chronology of the incident so that an accident could occur.

"The chronology of the incident, the tourism bus has just returned to deliver the group after a vacation from Yogyakarta and will return to Malang. On the way, the bus driver admitted that he had fallen asleep until the bus ran to the left. In front of him there was a truck and hit a truck," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 22.

The location of the incident was at KM 695+400 on the Jombang - Mojokerto Toll Road, before the rest of the area. On the bus there are 51 people consisting of teachers and group students from SMP PGRI 1 Wonosari Malang.

His party also revealed that the team had also processed the crime scene at the scene. From the results of the crime scene, it was found that there were traces of a 69-meter-long bus brake.

"Then from the point of hitting the truck braking until the bus stops, it is 188.2 meters long, which means it can be concluded while the bus is at high speed," he said.

His party has also pocketed CCTV around the scene, so they can see firsthand the incident when the disaster that occurred on Tuesday (21/5) that night occurred.

Meanwhile, related to the status, his party is still investigating the case. A number of witnesses are still being questioned, including bus drivers.

"Until now, bus drivers are still being investigated. We from the Ditlantas Polda East Java are still investigating," he said.

The accident occurred between the Bimario tourism bus and the police number W-7422-UP and the truck whose police number is N-9674-UH on the Jombang Toll Road, Mojokerto.

The incident began when a bus driven by Yanto (36), a resident of Bendorejo Hamlet, Gembongan Village, Ponggok District, Blitar Regency, drove from Yogyakarta to Malang.

Arriving at KM 695+400, the driver who brought the group of SMP PGRI 1 Wonosari, Malang, was allegedly sleepy so he couldn't control the steering so he swerved to the left and hit the truck in front of him.

The truck at Arif Yulianto (37), a resident of Lawang, Malang Regency, was traveling in the left lane. The accident caused the bus body to be badly damaged.

As a result of the accident, two people died, namely Edy Sulistiono (45), a resident of Semanding Hamlet, Banggle Village, Kanigoro District, Blitar Regency, which is a bus assistant.

The second death toll was Edy Kresna Handaka (61), a resident of Ngebruk Village, Sumber Pucing District, Malang Regency. He is a teacher at the school.

In addition to the two people who died, dozens were injured. Dozens of students managed to survive the incident. Those who survived were evacuated by replacement bus, while those who died and were injured were taken to the hospital.