East Java PPP DPW Supports Khofifah Forward Pilgub, Mardiono: DPP Still Considering

Acting Chairman of the United Development Party (PPP) Muhamad Mardiono emphasized that the PPP Central Leadership Council (DPP) has not yet decided to carry Khofifah Indar Parawansa in the 2024 gubernatorial election in East Java Province (East Java).

Meanwhile, the East Java PPP Regional Leadership Council (DPW) has declared support for the former East Java Governor to be proposed to carry it to the central level.

"It's not carrying out. So, the East Java PPP made a proposal, proposing through a meeting it was proposed for East Java to support Mrs. Khofifah. Then, the DPP is still considering it," said Mardiono at the PPP DPP office, Wednesday, May 22.

Before determining the nomination of regional head candidates in the 2024 Pilkada, continued Mardiono, PPP first held regional leadership meetings and regional work meetings to equalize party support from the central to grassroots levels.

"Therefore, there must be a mutual agreement. That's what we call rapid. Well, it hasn't been done yet, therefore the DPW has just made ideas, ideas, proposals. Once again, it hasn't made a decision to support it, it's just up to the limit of the proposal," said Mardiono.

Thus, PPP is still opening coalition cooperation with various political parties (political parties) in the 2024 Pilkada, including an agreement between PPP and PKB to form a coalition in the regional elections, one of which is East Java.

"It's still wide open. Not only with PKB, but with others," he said.

In the meeting between the two parties on April 29, PKB and PPP did not want to reveal who would be promoted as a candidate for Governor of East Java. What is clear is that PKB will look for rival figures for Khofifah in the East Java gubernatorial election.

However, on May 19. The East Java PPP DPW submitted a letter of recommendation to the Khofifah Indar Parawansa-Emil Elestianto Dardak pair to run in the 2024 Pilkada.

"The time is very short, the East Java PPP DPW sat-set. Congratulations to Mrs. Khofifah and Mr. Emil Dardak," said East Java PPP DPW Chairman Mundjidah Wahab.

The East Java PPP DPW immediately reported the submission of this recommendation to the PPP Central Leadership Council (DPP) management.

Mundjidah also stated that all PPP cadres in every district/city in East Java must immediately move to draw up winning techniques and guard the incumbent pair's victory.

"No one should not work, everyone must work for the victory of Mrs. Khofifah and Mr. Emil Dardak," he added.