Alexander Marwata Responds To Impact On KPK This Period Is The Most Wearing: It's Not Good From The Beginning

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata said the situation in his institution had always been bad.

This was conveyed in response to a statement by the Chairman of the KPK Supervisory Board, Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean, who said the KPK situation was not pleasant. Initially, Alexander said that what was conveyed was just an assumption.

"That feeling," Alexander said, smiling at reporters at the KPK's Red and White building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Wednesday, May 22.

Tapi, Alexander kemudian menyebut kondisi ini memang dirasakannya. Saya sejak dulu juga kalau di sini tidak senang, ujarnya singkat tanpa mengirinci maksinya.

Even so, Alexander said that the conditions in his institution should not be equalized like the fate of eradicating corruption in Indonesia. This is because this effort is not only the work of the KPK but also other institutions.

"There are prosecutors, there are police, there are inspectorates, there are BPK, there are BPKP and various institutions where a system should be built to prevent corruption," he said.

"So don't just talk about red and white, the KPK building. But we are talking about red and white in Indonesian understanding. In my opinion, yes, if we only talk about the KPK problem, it's too small to talk about corruption," continued Alexander.

As previously reported, the Chairman of the KPK Supervisory Board, Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean, is concerned about the current condition of the anti-corruption agency. He said the current condition was uncomfortable because of the polemic that occurred amid the investigation of alleged ethical violations committed by the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron.

"I am frankly saying, I have also been at the KPK for a long time, this is the most unpleasant. These are the current events, the current period is not very pleasant," Tumpak told reporters at the ACLC KPK Building, Rasuna Said, South Jakarta, Tuesday, May 21.

This statement was conveyed after Ghufron reported the KPK Supervisory Board to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police while investigating allegations of abuse of authority for assisting the transfer of employees at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan).

Ghufron is known to have taken various ways to defend himself. In addition to reporting to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police, he also sued the KPK Council to the State Administrative Court (PTUN) which finally issued an interim decision so that the current ethical process would be postponed.