Tips Safe During Turbulence: Don't Panic! These Are Some Points You Must Know

YOGYAKARTA - For some people facing plane turbulence, it's something really scary, especially for beginners who have just boarded a plane several times. Well, this time we will discuss how the tips are safe when the turbulence is, watch it until it's finished, yes!

The reason is, turbulence or shocks when boarding an airplane that often cause anxiety and fear for passengers. In fact, turbulence is a common thing on flights, you know!

Before flying to the destination, you should understand what aircraft turbulence is so you can deal with it more calmly. Then, what is aircraft turbulence and how to get through it

Getting To Know Aircraft Turbulence

Basically, plane turbulence is a condition in which there is an extreme change in pressure and air flow speed. These changes also lead to shocks in the fuselage.

In fact, plane turbulence is common and harmless. Each aircraft has been designed in such a way that it can be strong against turbulence. The pilot can also predict when turbulence will occur using weather radars. Usually, the trigger for turbulence is the presence of clouds or bad weather. Not only that, there is also clear water turbulence (CAT) which actually occurs in sunny weather.

There are 4 levels of turbulence sourced in their strength, namely light turbulence (light turbulence), moderate turbulence (moderate turbulence), severe turbulence (great turbulence), and extreme turbulence (very great turbulence). The two levels of turbulence are rarer.

I. Stop Eating And Drinking Activities

Shocks due to turbulence are quite strong, if that happens when you are eating or drinking, you should stop eating or drinking. Dishes and drinks are at risk of tumbah and wet your clothes. You can place your food containers or drinking glasses on the cabin floor when turbulence is established.

II. Tighten Seat Belt

When the plane starts fighting the cause of turbulence, it's a good idea to always sit in a chair and tighten the belt. Otherwise, your body may lose balance because it is not ready for turbulence. By wearing a seat belt, also reduce the risk of injury due to colliding when turbulence occurs.

III. When you are in the toilet

If during turbulence, you are in the airplane toilet, don't panic. You can close or fold your toilet tongue, then sit on it while holding on to maintain balance. When you are washing your hands, sit quickly near the corner of the toilet to avoid losing your balance due to turbulence shocks.

IV. Write your Own Name

According to the pilot from the United States, Captain Ron Nielsen, a method that is quite effective in reducing worry and panic when turbulence is by writing your own name with unusual hands.

"Just write your name with the opposite hands. This will focus on extra focus on one thing than thinking about things around," Nielsen said, as reported by the News website.

V. Don't Travel Often In The Cabinet

It could be that you feel bored when on a long-distance flight, so you feel you need to walk in the cabin. But this matter should not be tried, especially when there is turbulence. When you are walking in the cabin and there is turbulence, you should look down on the cabin floor. This is to reduce the risk of you being hit during turbulence.

VI. Talk And Convey Fear To The Flight Attendant

Turbulence of the plane can indeed create fear for some people. For those of you who are sensitive to shocks, you can ask for a change of seating to flight attendants. The reason is that some areas such as the front area and near the plane's wings have less turbulence impacts.

Those are some explanations and tips for dealing with aircraft turbulence. Panic and fear when boarding the plane are normal. However, don't be afraid to limit your desire to travel, okay?

In addition, it turns out that there is another factor, because: The Increase in Aviation Turbulence Violence Turns Out to be Related to Global Warming'.

So after knowing safe tips during turbulence, look at other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!