Investigate Village Staff Motives For Rape To Children In South Tangerang, KPAI Asks Police To Do SCI Method

TANGERANG - The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) asked the police to prioritize a scientific crime investigation (SCI) approach or a method to find backgrounds and other things that encourage the action to occur.

It is known that the rape case experienced by a boy with the initials MA (17) which was allegedly carried out by a former kelurahan staff named Holid is still ongoing. The case, which has been reported since October 3, 2022, has not yet had a bright spot.

KPAI commissioner Dian Sasmita said the police must act without waiting for information from the victim. The police can use the Law on the Crime of Sexual Violence (TPKS).

"Interestition of scientific crime investigation. Where there is no connection with the perpetrator's confession. This case must use the TPKS Law so that the situation or suffering of the victim as a result of violence can be revealed," said Dian when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, May 22.

He also asked that this case should not have formal peace or justice. Because this concerns the suffering experienced by the victim.

"Don't forget. Sexual violence by adults should not be resolved outside formal courts. Article 23 of the TPKS Law. There is no peace for perpetrators of cases in children," he said.

Therefore, the police must move quickly in uncovering the case. This is a form of justice for the families of the victims.

"Quick and transparent legal remedies are part of providing justice for victims," he concluded.

Previously, it was reported that a member of the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) Poengky Indarti spoke up regarding the rape case committed by a former village staff named holid against a woman with the initials MA (17) who has not been arrested. Although the case has been going on for 2 years.

It is known that Holid was reported on suspicion of a rape case against a boy with the initials MA (17) since October 3, 2022. However, until now the police have not arrested the perpetrator.

Holid, who was still a staff member of Pondok Kacang Barat Village, South Tangerang, the School Committee and the Chairman of DKM, had the heart to rape a 17-year-old boy.

"We will clarify the Polda Metro Jaya who is responsible for the performance of the Polres-Polres in its area, in this case the South Tangerang Police," said Poengky when confirmed, Saturday, May 18.