AHY Asks Sri Mulyani For Additional Budget To Accelerate Target Of 120 Million Land Certifications
BADUNG - Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) asked the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) for additional budget to accelerate the target of 120 million land certification by 2024 through Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL).
AHY said, with the additional budget, it would accelerate the achievement of the target.
"Indeed, there is one challenge, I also whispered to Mr. Menpan-RB (Abdullah Azwar Anas) that the challenge is financial ability. Well, we have applied and officially I have conveyed it to the Ministry of Finance, we need additional budget support to be able to achieve the target of 120 million plots of land earlier," said AHY in Denpasar, Bali, Tuesday, May 21.
He revealed, so far there have been around 112 million certified land and it takes 8 million more to achieve the target of 120 million. According to him, the progress of the target will continue to be conveyed.
"Each area can actually be said to continue (progress) up to 70, 80, or 90 percent. So, later we will declare or we will announce the progress again," he said.
"But, we are optimistic (achieving the target). I always hold meetings to check with the relevant director generals, including the Regional Office and Kantah where the process is," he continued.
In addition, AHY said there are other schemes that can be used to achieve the 120 million land certification target. He said there is a loan scheme from the World Bank to accelerate the program.
"Well, the rest of us also have a loan scheme from the World Bank. That was yesterday why in Washington DC I also said that in the last 5 years we actually got a loan scheme to help accelerate the PTSL program," he said.
It is known, the Ministry of ATR/BPN targets to register 120 million plots of land this year and increase to 126 million registered land parcels by 2025.
As of April 2024, land registration achievements throughout Indonesia have reached 112 million fields.