What Drug Orphens? Recognize Indications, Doses, And Side Effects

YOGYAKARTA What drug Orphen? Orphans are a drug that can treat allergic symptoms such as bentol-bentol, itchy skin, itchy or stuffy nose, sneezing, or red and runny eyes.

In this article, it will be discussed what Orphen is, including indications, doses, and side effects. Come on, see the explanation!

Orphen is a branded drug containing chlorpeniramine maleat (CTM). CTM itself is the first generation anti-histamina (anti-ergic).

This anti-alert drug works to inhibit histaminas which result in the appearance of allerhy symptoms when the body is exposed to allergic triggering substances (allergens). When hysterin work is inhibited, the symptoms of allergies will subside.

As an anti-alert drug, an orphent can be used to treat various allergic problems, such as:

According to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the use of CTM in pregnancy is categorized as B. This means that studies in experimental animals do not show any risk to the fetus, but there has been no controlled study of hami women. Meanwhile, in breastfeeding mothers, CTM is exported in minimal amount of breast milk.

In principle, the use of chlorpheniramine maleat in pregnant women and breastfeeding women considers aspects of benefits that exceed the risks that can occur, even though this drug has been used to treat the course or other allergic reactions in pregnant women.

Quoted from AI-Care, orphens should not be used in pairs that have the following conditions:

The following is Orphen's general dose:

Orphens containing chlorpeniramine maleate can cause drug interactions if taken with certain drugs, such as:

Side effects that may arise after consuming Orphen, namely:

Immediately contact the doctor if the side effects that appear do not improve or get worse. Also stop the use of orphens, there are also reactions from allergies or serious side effects below:

That's the information about what drug orphens. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.