Can You Fall In Love: Here's An Explanation According To The Expert

YOGYAKARTA - Talking about psychopaths, of course, what the general public usually thinks is blood, knives, mutilation, serial murder, jockeys, and others. Now, this time we will discuss whether a psychopath can fall in love or not, see until it's finished, yes!

But actually not like that, not all criminals are psychopaths. And not all psychopaths always deal with blood and murder.

Usually, people's sadistic talents with personality disorders like that will be more visible from their manipulative nature and pleasure in seeing the suffering of others. Regarding attitudes and appearances, it is far from brutal.

So it's not surprising that they also fall into eastern affairs and even love matters. Not always criminal acts to the point of murder.

Just like us, psychopaths can feel lonely, want to be liked, and in the end fall in love. Unlike the usual public opinion, there are many psychopaths who are able to promote closeness to others, although indeed, the love felt is not entirely the same as the majority of people (Moreover, as on the screens. glass), which is usually based on intimacy.

Love for them is more like finding people who share the same thoughts as them, a kind of well-known psychopathic couple, Myr and Myr. They also often view their partner as an "objek" instead of a human being just like himself, because of their inability to empathize.

Therefore, even though psychopaths are able to fall in love, they find it difficult to love. Lack of capacity in mastering emotions and at least trust in others often have an impact on their difficulties to say the deepest emotions and the need for affection in ways that are healthy and do not hurt. This is what mainly becomes the seeds of the breakdown of the romantic bond they do.

3 Phases Of Falling In Love

I. Idealize phase

In this phase, a psychopath will give many gifts and insults to his partner. He will also appear as a form of love and distribution, which makes his partner feel very loved. Remember, the main trait of a psychopath is manipulative. So in this phase, he is certainly very good!

II. Phase Devalue

When his partner feels comfortable and loves him back, a psychopath even reduces his love for his partner. Negative behavior takes a long time, but the couple loves, plus fond memories of the Idealize phase.

A psychopath does have feelings, but he doesn't care about other people's feelings. Looking for scapegoats is another unique thing they have. Until this stage, he will blame the couple when the relationship begins to stretch.

III. Discard Phase

It's time to separate. Do you still remember, if a psychopath really likes to see other people suffer? It doesn't have to be bleeding, other people's sadness is a pleasure according to him. This is a big difference between psychopaths and normal humans.

For Michael Tompkins, EdD, psychologist at the Sacramento County Mental Health Treatment Center, genetic imbalance and reaction to chemical compounds in the brain make a psychopath unable to develop moral values.

Instead of empathizing, a psychopath even has no sympathy for other people's sadness. Not merely not feeling guilty, he instead enjoyed the slump of the couple he left behind. Instead, the former, had already enjoyed the nostalgia Phase Idealize.

How To Prevent It?

Since the beginning, you should not be too shy in loving other people. You have a mother who has proven to be very sincere in loving you.

There are parents who don't care about their children. Yes, it's better if you love yourself well. Worship can generally hone intuition, don't believe the seduction.

What If It Has Been Launched?

Separatement is the best way. Strengthen your heart not to be curious about his later life. Because not a few psychopathic victims have survived, but have returned to being victims of the snares of a very sweet psychopath.

In addition, you also need to read, so you can 'Know 13 Characteristics Of Cyclists You Need To Watch Out' so you don't have to deal with them.

So after knowing whether a psychopath can fall in love, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!