Today, DPR Summons Minister Nadiem Regarding The Polemic Of The Increase In UKT
JAKARTA - Commission X DPR RI held a working meeting with the Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology, Nadiem Makarim at the DPR Building, Tuesday, May 21. In the working meeting, Commission X of the DPR will ask for an explanation from the Minister of Education and Culture regarding the increase in single lecture fees (UKT) which skyrocketed in a number of state universities (PTN). "Commission X targets 3 things, first, we want to ask for an explanation from Mas Nadiem regarding the increase in UKT in all campuses. This is known from the Ministry of Education and Culture or not," said Chairman of Commission X DPR, Syaiful Huda at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, May 21. "If the Ministry of Education and Culture is known, whether the Ministry of Education and Culture has given approval or not, because for us it remains, I think campuses must still get approval from the Ministry of Education and Culture, both campuses with PTNBH status, and so on," he continued.
Second, continued Huda, Commission X wants to get a detailed explanation regarding the management of operational assistance management that has been given to the campus. Because, so far the campus feels that the operational funds provided are still very lacking.
"The question is, don't let it be responded to by the attitude of the Ministry of Education and Culture officials who place (schools) as tertiary education, that means they want to let go, they can't. So we want the Ministry of Education and Culture to ensure what management its management is like, its management, if it's not enough, lobby the Ministry of Finance so that it can be resolved," said the Deputy Secretary General of PKB. Third, Commission X asked for an increase in UKT to be canceled. "We want to make sure that our friends have exceeded the deadline cannot pay UKT to be confirmed, confirmed by the Ministry of Education and Culture to remain in college," said Huda.
Third, Commission X will see the steps taken by the Ministry of Education and Culture. "I don't know yet whether Mas Nadiem has issued a circular that ensures that this UKT increase doesn't happen, whether it has gathered the rectors and so on, we are still waiting," explained Huda. "Hopefully this forum can find the best solution from student protests. In principle, our education must remain in a low, affordable and quality condition," he hoped.