Bobby Nasution Admits Asking Jokowi's Blessing To Join Gerindra

The Mayor of Medan, Bobby Afif Nasution, officially joined the Gerindra Party. Bobby admitted that he had received the blessing of his father-in-law, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to join the party chaired by the elected president, Prabowo Subianto. "Yes, of course we as children ask permission from parents," said Bobby at the North Sumatra Gerindra DPD office, Monday, May 20 evening. His registration as a cadre was warmly welcomed by Gerindra Party cadres. After registering, Bobby was immediately given a membership card for the Gerindra Party of North Sumatra. Bobby said that the Gerindra Party provided a lot of input, learning, and support during his tenure as the mayor of Medan. According to him, the learning and support provided by the Gerindra Party was not only in the political field, but also in the commitment to build North Sumatra for the better. "This Gerindra is a party that has contributed a lot to me personally and to the Medan city government while I served as the mayor of Medan. Not only in the political field, but also in the commitment to build the country that we really have to hold," he said. Bobby Nasution has registered himself as a candidate for governor of North Sumatra from the Gerindra Party. The husband of Kahiyang Ayu has previously also taken a registration form for the listing of candidates for governor of North Sumatra from the National Mandate Party (PAN) on Saturday, May 18, 2024. In addition, Bobby Nasution has also received a letter of assignment from the Golkar Party to advance in the 2024 Pilkada. November 2024, 2024.


"I venture to register as a governor candidate as a Gerindra cadre. As a Gerindra cadre, I ask for prayers and support from all Gerindra cadres," said Bobby. A number of figures and politicians are included in the 2024 North Sumatra Pilgub exchange, including former North Sumatra Governor Edy Rahmayadi, former Deputy Governor of North Sumatra Musa Rajeksa, Mayor of Medan Bobby Nasution, and former North Tapanuli Regent Nikson Nababan.