Monica Karina Expresses Confidence Through Single 'PON IT'

JAKARTA - Monica Karina introduced a new single titled PON IT' which is the result of her collaboration with Greybox (Rizky Argadipraja) and Sailormoney (Nadya Syarifa Mirandhany) in songwriting.

This song presents an afro-pop dynamics that meets sensual energy that is attached to Monica. This is also a celebration of her identity and mature maturity,

Set in his personal experience with confidence, the 28-year-old singer hopes that her new song will transmit the spirit of self-empowerment to anyone who listens to it.

"Of course I want this song to be an anthem for listeners to dance and feel released, especially for girls to bussdown to!" Monica Karina said in a written press release, Sunday, May 19.

From the beginning of the cultivation process, PON IT was born as a manifestation of his determination and belief in his identity after taking time to break and explore him deeper for a while.

The creative process is also going through naturally, where Monica together with the collaborator worked on the track in the studio while listening to afro, afro house, and afro-pop music which affected the character of the song a little bit.

At the same time, Monica Karina also announced that she was preparing her first album since her debut in 2018.

Throughout her rest some time ago, Monica has gathered many of the demos she created during her break.