41 Thousand Hajj Candidates Land Safely In Medina

JAKARTA - The latest report from the Indonesian Ministry of Religion, as many as 41,189 Indonesian Hajj candidates have arrived in Medina, Saudi Arabia. They landed on Saturday, which is the seventh day of the first batch of pilgrims' flights from the country.

"Based on the report from the Saudi Arabian Hajj Organizing Committee (PPIH) on Friday, May 17, 2024 at 21.00 Saudi Arabian Time or Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 01.00 WIB, 41,189 pilgrims arrived," said Hajj Media Center (MCH) Officer Widi Dwinanda at a press conference for organizing the Hajj pilgrimage, from the ANTARA report, Saturday, May 18.

Widi explained that all pilgrims who had arrived in Saudi Arabia were a combination of pilgrims who were divided into 107 flying groups (kloters).

In addition, he continued, all the pilgrims who had arrived landed at Amir Muhammad bin Abdul Aziz (AMAA) Airport, Medina.

All pilgrims who have arrived, said Widi, are part of 554 groups of Indonesian pilgrims in 1445 Hijri/2024 AD.

"This year, Indonesia received 241,000 hajj quotas, consisting of 213,320 regular Hajj candidates and 27,680 special Hajj candidates," he said.

Overall, Widi revealed that the departure of pilgrims this year to Saudi Arabia will be divided into two waves.

The first batch of departures, he said, will take place from May 11, 2024 to May 23, 2024.

Meanwhile, the second batch of departures, he continued, will be carried out from May 24, 2024 to June 10, 2024.

He also said that four Indonesian Hajj candidates were declared dead in Saudi Arabia. All prospective hajj pilgrims who die will receive insurance and will be performed.

Widi conveyed to all pilgrims that they should not hesitate and hesitate in asking for help from officers, both before departure, while on the plane, or after arriving in Saudi Arabia if they have difficulty carrying out the pilgrimage.

In addition, he also appealed to all pilgrims for Hajj candidates to download the Superapp Heritage application published by the Indonesian Ministry of Religion, to access the Hajj guidebook, the elderly Hajj guidebook, and the video of Hajj rituals to facilitate the Hajj process.