Sad News, Binagaga Legend Athlete Levi Rumbewas Dies
JAKARTA - Sad news has spread from the world of sports. Former Indonesian bodybuilding athlete and legend Levi Rumbewas reportedly died at the Provita Hospital, Jayapura City.
From an official statement from the Central KONI as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, the news of Levi Rumbewas' death had been confirmed by the Secretary of the Provincial Management of the Indonesian Fitness Body Association (PP PBFI) Billy Watori on Friday, May 17.
"Goodbye, proud Indonesian Sports Patriot, we always remember your services, your struggle to make the nation and the country proud through sports will be continued," said the General Chairperson of the Central KONI, Lt. Gen. Retired TNI. Marciano Norman.
Levi has long been plagued by stroke and kidney stones. Levi is the person with the title of the best bodybuilding athlete in Southeast Asia who was won in 1987 and then secured the gold medal, the SEA Games XIV in Jakarta, the 1989 SEA Games in Malaysia and 1991 in the Philippines.
In the Asian scene, the Papuan athlete was also respected for winning the title of Mr Asia 1991 for the 70 kg lightweight and most improvement which was only given to bodybuilding athletes who were judged by the jury to have physical development and rapid progress from every match he participated in.
The father of the outstanding athlete Lisa Raema Rumbewas reached the peak of his career when he became the seventh best athlete in the world through the World Games in the Netherlands in 1989.
In addition, Levi is also an athlete who sealed five gold medals at the National Sports Week (PON) which was obtained in the 1981, 1985, 1989, 1993 and 1996 editions, respectively.
Previously, Lisa Raema Rumbewas was declared dead on Sunday, January 14, 2024 at around 03.00 WIT at the Jayapura Hospital.