Jadi Penghasil Migas Nomor 1 Di RI, PHR Produksi 167.270 Migas Selama Tahun 2023

JAKARTA - Throughout 2023, PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) managed to maintain its position as the largest oil and gas (oil and gas) producer in Indonesia, with a production of 167,270 barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOEPD).

"In the second year of operation after the transfer of management process, PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan continues to show very significant developments. The Company accelerates exploration and development activities through various breakthroughs by improving the reliability of drilling equipment and implementing drilling activities in parallel (offline activity), implementing technology and digitization, and making investments that can support the improvement of company performance," said PHR President Director Ruby Mulyawan, quoted on Saturday, May 18.

In 2023, he continued, PHR will carry out investment strategies that are not only focused on operational equipment, but also on aspects of technology development and human resources (HR), as well as investment in business development and non-business development.

Through these steps, said Ruby, PHR was able to maintain its position as the largest oil producer in Indonesia.

"We believe that through operational programs, business development and digital technology innovation initiatives carried out throughout 2023, PHR is able to achieve sustainable growth," explained Ruby.

In the midst of global economic and geopolitical challenges, PHR's performance received appreciation from the Board of Commissioners.

"We appreciate the efforts of management in achieving the performance targets set in 2023. Several initiatives are carried out by the Board of Directors, such as optimizing the drilling cycle time rig, optimizing the WOWS cycle time rig, well clustering drilling programs, increasing the number of effective rigs, optimizing wells and reworking as well as several other initiatives in supporting the achievement of the 2023 PHR RKAP," said PHR President Commissioner Virano Gazi Nasution.

Furthermore, the Board of Commissioners is optimistic that PHR can achieve good growth in 2024, although the global economy is predicted to be still quite challenging, through increasing the reliability of aspects of safety, installation and equipment, as well as technology and digitization applications.

In 2023, many things have been implemented by PHR, one of which is the payment of the Participating Interest (PI) funds of 10 percent with a total value of IDR 3.5 trillion to PT Riau Petroleum Rokan (RPR), as a Regional Owned Enterprise (BUMD) for PI fund managers appointed by the Riau Provincial Government.

Not only that, PHR has also succeeded in adding oil and gas reserves of 86.95 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMBOE), which is above the 2023 PHR Work Plan and Company Budget (RKAP) target of 73.51 MMBOE.

Along with operating performance, PHR also pays attention to environmental aspects. In its efforts, in 2023, PHR managed to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 74,827 tons and achieved the Blue Proper predicate (Public Disclosure Program for Environmental Compliance), issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) for 3 (three) operating areas in Minas-Siak, Duri Steam Flood (DSF) and Bekasap-Rokan.

In line with the principle of providing benefits to the community, PHR runs 24 programs of Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL), with a budget of IDR 24.69 billion, which is able to reach more than 32 thousand beneficiaries.

"The implementation of the TJSL program is part of the application of sustainability principles in order to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (TPB) or Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) launched by the Government," said Ruby.