Grateful For The Land To Be Freed For The Normalization Of Ciliwung, Rawajati Residents: I Can Umrah

JAKARTA - Siti Aminah, a resident of RW 07 Rawajati Village, Pancoran District, South Jakarta, expressed her happiness in front of the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono because her land was acquired for the Ciliwung River normalization project.Siti and her family are one of dozens of families affected by land acquisition in Rawajati and have received compensation payments. He claimed that residents in his residence were actually grateful that his land was evicted."Yang semuanya pada dapat di sini, kita enggak merasa dapat pembayaran rugi, tapi kita merasa dapat ganti manfaat," kata Siti di Kelurahan Rawajati, Jumat, 17 Mei.Siti admitted that the compensation for land acquisition for the Ciliwung normalization project was more than enough for her. In addition to being able to move from areas that are often flooded, Siti can also use her money to worship Umrah."I myself can perform Umrah, have a rented house, and who is even more comfortable at this time I have never felt flooded. Thank God. I'm really grateful to everyone," he said.At the same location, Heru Budi ensured that the Ciliwung River normalization project could be continued immediately. Next week, the central government has started to carry out physical work on the normalization of Ciliwung in the Cililitan segment with a length of 265 meters."Starting next week, the physical construction will be carried out along 265 meters and one of the flood mitigation at the points we are handling today can be completed," explained Heru.
In this case, land acquisition is carried out in a structured manner by directly securing assets. Then, the physical development activities will be carried out by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) next week.