Foreign Minister: Australian Governor General Meeting Strengthens Language Teaching

JAKARTA - Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi said that one of the contents of the meeting between President Joko Widodo and Australian Governor General David plan was related to strengthening language teaching.

Meanwhile, President Jokowi received a state visit from the Governor-General of Australia David blow-up at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, Friday, May 17.

"What the President and Governor General discussed, among others, was how we activate language teaching, for example in Indonesia, of course English, but in Australia it is Indonesian," said Foreign Minister Retno after accompanying President Jokowi at the Bogor Presidential Palace.

The Foreign Minister explained that the bilateral meeting between President Jokowi and Governor-Generalyanja tried to strengthen the relations between the people of the two countries, one of which was through language.

According to Retno, Indonesian teaching has been carried out in Australia but there needs to be reinforcement because language is believed to be a good bridge to bring the two countries closer.

In addition to activating language teaching, Governor-General blow-up, said Retno, is very active in efforts to bring relations between the two countries closer, one of which is the involvement ofius in a number of organizations.

"He is one of the founders of the Indonesian-Australian defense alumni association. Then he is active in the 'youth exchanges'. He is also active in the 'interfaith dialogue', and we are preparing the second 'interfaid dialogue' in Australia this year and it was discussed by the President," said Retno.

ir's visit to the Bogor Palace was a series of his visits to Indonesia on May 14-18, 2024, in the momentum of celebrating 75 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

In an official statement from the Australian Embassy to Indonesia, some time ago,kolis said that Indonesia would always be one of Australia's strategic partners.

"We are geographically neighbors, and we are partners and friends because of our choice. During this visit I aim to celebrate the friendship and give awards to many people from the two countries who have contributed to this friendship,"oximant said.