East Java Police Raids Ecstasy Party At Surabaya Night Club, 1 Tulungagung Civil Servant Is Swept Away

The East Java Regional Police raided a nightclub in the city of Surabaya which was the venue for an ecstasy pill party and secured seven people.

Kasubdit I Ditresnarkoba Polda Jatim AKBP Windy Syafutra mengatakan salah satu orang yang diamankan di dalam room 9 JW Club & Karaoke di Jalan Kalibokor Selatan, Kecamatan Gubeng, Surabaya itu merupakan pegawai negeri sipil (PNS) di Tulungagung.

"The disclosure on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, was around 20.30 WIB. Of the seven people who were arrested, one of them was a civil servant," Windy said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, May 16.

The arrest, said Windy, was based on reports from the surrounding community who often saw that the place was often used for the abuse of ecstasy pills.

The evidence found at the time of the arrest was in the form of two small ecstasy pills, (remain use), with a net weight of 0.622 grams.

The seven people who were arrested were PNS from the Tulungagung Health Service with the initials HP (42), an honorary employee of BKN Surabaya with the initials DP (43), an employee of JW Club & Karaoke HED (33), Karangrejo resident, Tulungagung with the initials AM (29).

"Meanwhile, the other three perpetrators are residents of Krembangan Surabaya with the initials YWA (25), residents of Sawahan District RAP (32), and finally residents of Gondanglegi, Malang with the initials DYA (33), who currently live in Tegalsari, Surabaya," he said.

The seven people who tested positive for urine contained methamphetamine and amphetamine.

"These abusers will be transferred to the East Java BNNP for a TAT assessment (Integrated Assessment Team) to determine further legal processes," he said.