Kemendikbudristek: PTN Must Pay Attention To UKT Determination Limits

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) emphasized that state universities (PTN) have autonomous funds to determine the amount of Single Lecture Money (UKT), but must still pay attention to restrictions.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture Tjitjik Sri Tjahjandarie stated that the determination of the amount of UKT still has a limit, namely for UKT the highest group is the same as the amount of the Single Lecture Fee (BKT).

"Determination of the UKT amount still has a limit, namely for UKT the highest group is the same as the BKT amount," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, May 16.

Universities do have the autonomous authority to determine the amount of UKT class three and so on, while for groups one and two the government has determined.

Law Number: 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education mandates the government to set the Standard for Higher Education Operational Costs Units (SSBOPT).

SSBOPT is a reference for the cost of providing higher education which is periodically available by considering the achievements of the National Standard of Higher Education, types of study programs, and the regional expensive index.

The SSBOPT is the basis for the allocation of State Higher Education Operational Assistance (BOPTN) and the determination of BKT with BKT itself is the basis for determining UKT for each diploma and undergraduate study program.

Tjitjik explained that currently government intervention through BOPTN can only close about thirty percent of the costs of providing higher education.

Therefore, it is necessary for the participation of the community to work together through the UKT and Institution Development Contribution (IPI) funding mechanism.

On the other hand, Tjitjik explained that the problem occurred because the campus provided a very large UKT fee jump, which usually occurs from 4th to 5th UKT and so on with a amount of five to 10 percent.

This in the end became a polemic until there was a wave of demonstrations by state university students (PTN) recently in a number of areas.

He also ensured that currently his party continues to coordinate with PTN leaders so that UKT adjustments do not exceed the predetermined financing standard limits.

"This must be in accordance with applicable regulations. PTN must also continue to disseminate information related to UKT to their respective stakeholders," said Tjitjik.