Ahead Of The New Film Premiere, Francis Ford Coppola Accused Of Kissing A Substitute At The Filming Location

JAKARTA - Director Francis Ford Coppola will present his latest work, the film Megalopolis at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival. This film is his latest project after more than a decade of not releasing feature films.

In the midst of great anticipation of Megalopolis, Francis was faced with the accusations circulating. He was reportedly disrespectful in trying to kiss a stunt at the set of Megalopolis.

According to The Guardian's report, the action was carried out while filming scenes at nightclubs. The 85-year-old director pulled the substitute to sit on his lap and tried the women who were minimally dressed.

He allegedly pulled women to sit on his lap. And in one of the nightclub scenes, a witness saw the Coppola trying to kiss a minimal-clad stunt to build his mood, "said The Guardian.

Quickly, representatives of Francis Ford Coppola responded to the report. Darren Demetre as producer to THR said, "I've never known any complaints or bad behavior during the shooting process."

I worked with Francis and his family for 35 years. As the first assistant and producer, I help him in terms of production and ensure his independent film remains on time and budget but remains in line with his creative vision," he continued.

Demetre also explained that during filming the scene at the club, the director walked along the location to encourage the players and background players. Francis hugged and kissed the players' cheeks which were said to be part of his way of encouraging the crew.

"That's his way of helping to revive the club's atmosphere, which is very important to the film," said Darren Demetre.

Assistant director of Francis in Megalopolis, Mariela Comitini gave an explanation to the New York Times that she was proud of Francis' healthy environment.

"I can say, working with Francis Ford Coppola is an honor. I watched Francis create a positive, professional environment and I hope to celebrate at Cannes," said Commitini.

"As one of the respected film actors, Francis is not afraid of anything like this and he completes the film on time and according to the budget," he said.

The Megalopolis film is a film by Francis Ford Coppola which he has designed since the 1980s. He even sold part of the zoo to fund his own film.

Megalopolis tells of an architect (Adam Drive) who wants to build a futuristic New York. This architect has the ability to stop time and that makes him conflict with the Governor of New York (Giancarlo ESPosito).