Bobby Nasution Seals Medan Center Point Mall Tungga Taxes IDR 250 Billion

The Mayor of Medan, North Sumatra, Bobby Nasution sealed the Center Point Mall Building on Jalan Jawa Kota Medan due to arrears of more than IDR 250 billion.

"Since it was first built until today there are still obligations that have not been paid more than Rp250 billion," said Bobby after sealing the entrance to the Center Point Mall Building in Medan as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 15.

This firm attitude was deliberately carried out by the number one person in the Medan City Government against the mall which stands on 3.1 hectares of land in Gang Buntu Village, East Medan District. This sealing is by attaching stickers by the Mayor of Medan together with Forkopimda at the entrance of the mall, and the installation of banners that read "Building This Building is Closed/ Sealed". Bobby Nasution in 2021 has sealed the Center Point Mall Building due to in Arrears in land and building taxes to the Medan City Government for 10 years worth Rp56 billion. "We have also repeatedly reminded the Center Point Mall, where there have been arrears of obligations since 2011," he explained.

The mayor said that the Medan City Government had met with PT Agra Citra Kharisma (ACK) as the manager of the Center Point Mall Building and gave until May 15, 2024.

"However, because it has not been paid until the specified time limit, today the sealing is carried out," he said.

Bobby also ensured that the Center Point Mall Building did not have a building permit (IMB), so that ACK never paid any retribution at all.

"There is no IMB, there is no retribution. In addition, there is an apartment of Rp250 billion. Not a total," said Bobby.

The mayor also gave the deadline on May 30, 2024, to PT ACK as the manager of the Center Point Mall building to pay tax obligations.

"Earlier, PT ACK requested time until the 30th, because there must be an agreement first between PT ACK and PT KAI (Indonesian Fire Train)," explained Bobby.