PP Muhammadiyah Sends Letter To President Jokowi Regarding The Establishment Of The KPK Pansel
JAKARTA - The Muhammadiyah Central Executive sent a letter to President Joko Widodo regarding the formation of a Selection Committee for Candidates for the Chair of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in 2024 to overcome the rampant corrupt practices that occurred.
In the letter with Number 194 / I.0 / A / 2024 signed by the Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah Busyro Muqoddas, there were four official PP Muhammadiyah points of opinion submitted to the president.
The first point is that the president needs to position the representation of the community's interests rationally-proportional in the Pansel as the main element together with government elements with a proportion of the number of representations that are more in the community element.
Poin kedua, presiden diminta memastikan sikap penharkatan atas prinsip keterbukaan, etik politik, dan kepolisian demokrasi dengan mengajukan jumlah calon anggota pansel sebanyak tiga kali yang diterbitkan di media massa selama dua pekan.
It aims to give respect to the community to actively participate in providing assessments and input on the track record of morality, integrity, professionalism, and prime independence of these candidates.
The third point is to invite the president to give a positive response to the public's assessment and input by replacing other selective candidates according to the aspirations of the community, which are adjusted to the authentic criteria of personality quality and track record and independence of the KPK leadership.
The fourth point, PP Muhammadiyah stated that the 2024 KPK Leadership Pansel is a golden momentum to restore the KPK's image and raise the level of public confidence in the corruption eradication system that is strong and superior and full of independence.
In addition, the formation of the Pansel is also a momentum for the community to participate in the Joint Movement for the Eradication of Corruption.
So far, the religious organization considers that the practice of corruption is increasingly massive with its various forms and modes that are increasingly suffering from social life, the people's economy, the threat of quality of natural resources, to the lack of state dignity.