The Discourse On Restricting Vehicle Age In Jakarta Strengthens, This Is What HPM Says

JAKARTA - The regulation regarding the age limit for vehicles in DKI Jakarta has strengthened again since President Joko Widodo officially signed Law (UU) Number 2 of 2024 concerning the Province of the Special Region of Jakarta (DKJ). Based on the draft uploaded on the official website of the State Secretariat, this law was signed by the Head of State on April 25, 2024.

In this regard, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will also draw up regional regulations (Perda) regarding this matter because the DKI Jakarta DPRD has also proposed limiting the age of vehicles as part of efforts to overcome air pollution and congestion in Jakarta.

It is known, in Law Number 2 of 2024 DKJ, Article 24 paragraph (2) letter g states the authority to impose age restrictions and the number of ownership of individual motorized vehicles.

"We will formulate this in a draft regulation in the form of regional regulations which are in line with the 2024 Law," said Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrim Liputo some time ago, quoted by VOI.

The drafting of the regional regulation will involve many related parties. This is done so that the discussion can be more comprehensive, such as implementing low-emission areas, controlling traffic to limiting the age of vehicles.

With this discourse, of course, it has the potential to raise concerns from various parties, not only vehicle owners but also automotive industry players from upstream to downstream.

Responding to this, Sales & Marketing and Aftersales Director of PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM) Yusak Billy, said that his party needed to see concretely how this regulation took place so that it needed to be studied further.

"Because this is still a discourse, we have not been able to provide further views because there are no detailed rules yet," said Billy when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, May 15.

Billy also assessed that if the regulation was implemented, it would affect a number of aspects, such as the selling price of used cars, financing institutions, and have an effect on the latest vehicle sales trend.

"So, the demand for new cars can increase because there are restrictions on the age of vehicles, but it is also necessary to pay attention to the rates and approvals of the financing institutions," concluded Billy.