Revealed! US Military Crazy Plan To Stop Earth Rotation In 1960

JAKARTA - In 1960, US military analysts designed a crazy plan to stop Earth's rotation to protect the US from the Soviet Union's nuclear attacks.

The Retro project, whose idea is simple, involves the use of 1,000 large rockets that are usually used to launch nuclear weapons and spacecraft. These rockets will produce considerable thrust so that Earth's rotation will temporarily stop.

This will make the Soviet Union's nuclear missiles miss their targets directed at missile bases in Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, and Missouri. This secret proposal suggests that when the American missile detection system detected Soviet missiles flying over the North Pole towards missile fields in the US, the Atlas rocket field in the rectangular shape could be activated.

Ellsberg, a nuclear war planner who also conducted a Pentagon review of the Cuban Missile Crisis, revealed the plan in his book 'The Doomsday Machine'. At first he thought the plan to stop Earth's rotation was a joke, but after seeing the signatures of some officials, he realized that it was not a joke.

However, Ellsberg is aware of some shortcomings in the plan. The angular momentum of the rock, air, and water on Earth's surface would mean that everything on the planet would continue to move side by side at large speeds (on the equator, Earth's rotation speed is slightly more than 1,000 mph).

You don't need to be a geophysics expert to see some defects in this scheme. Lots of objects will fly in the air. Everything, even the unbound, and most of them tied up too, will fly with the power of super-huric winds around the world at the same time, "said Ellsberg.

Ellsberg explained that coastal cities will be destroyed by a large tsunami, and the apocalyptics released by the Retro Project will, ironically, be as bad as anything thermonuclear weapons can do to our planet.

One physicist explained to Ellsberg that, even 1,000 rockets would be too few to stop Earth's rotation - and if you could somehow create enough impetus to stop Earth's rotation, it would most likely destroy the planet's surface.

Speaking to LiveScience, James Zimbelman, senior emeritus geologist at the Air and Space Museum

Ellsberg - who at one point saw the President's Eyes Only document that estimated casualties from the US attack in 1961 of more than 500 million deaths including side damage from radiation in Europe - said the plan was only part of a nuclear warship he described as 'absolutely insane'.

As I will soon find, a Joint Chiefs of Staff estimate of the effects of implementing their first attack plans, under various circumstances, estimated killing more than half a billion people with our own weapons in a few months, with most of them dying in a day or two, said Ellsberg.

How to describe it other than madness? Should Pentagon officials and subordinates be unstitutionalized? But that's the problem: they have been unstitutionalized. Their institution not only promotes this madness, but also demands it. And still doing so until now," he said.