Coordinating Minister For Political, Legal And Security Affairs Has Pocketed The Results Of The Discussion Of The Constitutional Court Bill At The DPR Panja Level

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Hadi Tjahjanto representing the government received the results of the discussion of the Constitutional Court Bill (RUU MK) from the working committee (panja) of the DPR RI.The bill is a revised draft of Law Number 24 of 2003 concerning the Constitutional Court." “ On behalf of the Government, we accept the results of the discussion of the bill at the working committee level which is the basis for today's level I discussion or decision-making,” said Hadi Tjahjanto during a working meeting with Commission III of the DPR RI at the DPR RI Building, Jakarta, Antara, Monday, May 12.He continued, the government also agreed to continue further discussions until the ratification of the bill was ratified in the Plenary Session of the DPR RI.Hadi assessed that the various important points in the draft revision of the Constitutional Court Law had been discussed jointly between the Government and the DPR. He believes that the changes can further strengthen the role and function of the Constitutional Court as the front line that maintains the country's constitution."The government hopes that the good cooperation between the DPR RI and the Government can continue to oversee the establishment of the unitary country that we love together," said Hadi.The legislative process of the Constitutional Court Bill was a polemic considering that several legal experts suggested that discussions on the draft revision of the law be postponed.Professor of Constitutional Law at Padjadjaran University Prof. Susi Dwi Harijanti on March 31, 2024, assessed that the revision of the Constitutional Court Law was not so urgent. “ I argue that if the Constitutional Court Bill only changes the provisions regarding judges, then the bill does not meet the principle of need. There are other things that are more important, namely regulating procedural law,” said Prof. Susi.He also believes that politically ethics are not good enough to change laws that are important during the transition period. “ In times like this, politically ethically the legislators do not make important decisions that can affect the future government. Therefore, the discussion of the Constitutional Court Bill should be stopped first and then continued by the new legislators, ” he said.
Mahfud MD also submitted a proposal to cancel the discussion of the Constitutional Court Bill, especially when he was still the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs.Mahfud at that time said that the DPR should pay attention to transitional rules related to the term of office and the retirement age of judges.