SYL's Anger At His Late Children Give Deposits: You Are Less Loyal!

JAKARTA - Former Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) is said to have been angry because his subordinates are often late in handing over deposits. In fact, alluding to the issue of loyalty to him who is a leader at the Ministry of Agriculture.

SYL's anger was revealed in the trial of the alleged extortion and acceptance of gratuities held at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, Monday, May 13.

It started when the Public Prosecutor (JPU) questioned the Director General of Animal Health Livestock at the Ministry of Agriculture, Nasrullah, who was presented as a witness regarding the reasons for wanting to follow the aggravating directions.

Nasrullah said that if he was forced to follow the order, he would be considered not loyal to saying he was disobedient.

"Yes, that's what was said earlier, Your Honor said because this is our order that it can be considered loyal if it does not carry out the order," said Nasrullah.

The prosecutor then questioned whether there was a direct warning if the value deposited was not appropriate. Nasrullah said there was no such thing.

"Nothing, because maybe it is considered that I have contributed," said Nasrullah.

"There are those who don't do it at all, do they?", said the prosecutor

"No," replied Nasrullah.

Hearing this statement, the prosecutor immediately read out Nasrullah's Minutes of Investigation (BAP) on page 31. He said, if ever received an indirect threat from SYL.

"I have received threats and coercion from SYL indirectly while serving as Director General of Livestock because I am often late or completely do not follow orders to meet non-budgetary needs," said the prosecutor reading out the BAP.

It was also stated that SYL had gathered the first echelons in the transit room of the guests of the Ministry of Agriculture, around July 2022.

At that moment, SYL was angry while referring to Nasrullah and called him not loyal to the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture.

"Then SYL gave directions, then the person concerned in an angry tone headed me while speaking with the phrase 'you are less loyal'," said the prosecutor.

"But at that time I was silent in response and after finishing the activity on that day Kasdi called me and entered his room," continued the prosecutor.

At that time, Kasdi said that SYL's anger was because Nasrullah was less loyal, especially regarding deposits.

In the BAP Nasrullah, it was also stated that SYL had mentioned the evaluation of positions in the Ministry of Agriculture's leadership meeting (rapim).

"Then SYL was also in the official forum, namely the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia's rapidity conveyed in front of echelon I with the language conveyed 'From the party telling me that my subordinates need to be evaluated because they are not loyal, but I will defend as much as possible'," said the prosecutor reading the BAP.

"Furthermore, SYL also asked Kasdi to follow up on the submission by evaluating the position," he continued.

Still in the BAP, it was also stated that Nasrullah had communicated with Kasdi several times. In the conversation, SYL's anger was discussed because he was often late in depositing 'government' money for him.

"Every submission to me is always said to be 'father, the minister is angry with you because you are always late in depositing government money for him'," said the prosecutor.

"Is this really your statement?" asked the prosecutor who was immediately agreed by Nasrullah.