Pertamina Patra Niaga Supply 200 Kiloliters Of Avtur For Palembang Hajj Embarkation

JAKARTA - Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagsel supplies 200 kiloliters (kl) of Avtur per day to support the departure of pilgrims from South Sumatra and Bangka Belitung at the Palembang Hajj Embarkation from May 12 to June 10, 2024.

"We are ready to supply Avtur up to 200 kl/day to support the smooth running of JCH flights at the Palembang Embarkation Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin (SMB) II Airport in the 1445 Hijri/2024 Hajj season," said Region Manager Corporate, Operation and Services (COS) Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagsel Yudho Wibowo, in Palembang, quoted from Antara, Monday, May 13.

He explained that Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagsel is ready to provide optimal services for Hajj flights through Palembang SMB II Airport.

A series of efforts have been prepared, among others, by ensuring the availability of sufficient amounts of Avtur for flights at the Palembang Hajj Embarkation so that JCH can be dispatched to Saudi Arabia to carry out a series of Hajj services smoothly and safely.

Pilgrims departing from SMB II Airport Palembang this year reached 8,506 people, an increase of about one percent compared to 2023.

Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagsel is also proud to be part of the best service for pilgrims who fly through the Hajj of SMB II Palembang Airport.

"The arena and facilities from the SMB II Aircraft Charging Depot (DPPU) are also ready to optimally support operational smoothness, there are six refuellers, four storage tanks with a capacity of 200 k to 800 kg, as well as dozens of reliable and adequate workers to serve the needs of Hajj airline Avtur," he said.

According to him, a total of 3,850 Avtur clusters were prepared to serve the departure of 8,506 JCH people from South Sumatra and Babel, which were divided into 19 flying groups (clusters).

This year's Hajj flight is different from the previous year, Pertamina provided support for Saudi Arabia Airlines flights using a Boeing 747-400 direct plane from Palembang to Jeddah.

"With this 2024 Hajj flight, it is estimated that the increase in Avtur consumption will reach 2.5 times when compared to the average normal consumption in the previous year," explained Yudho.

Meanwhile, the Area Manager for Communication, Relation & CSR of Pertamina Patra Niaga Region of South Sumatra, Tjahyo Nikho Indrawan, added that his party continues to be committed to serving consumers and airlines for the needs of Avtur.

"We will continue to make maximum efforts to provide the best products to airlines that serve JCH departures so that all pilgrims can go and return safely to the country into a large pilgrimage," said Nikho.