Regency Government Raises Scholarship Budget For Students At The Peak Of Central Papua: S1 Becomes IDR 1 Million, Masters IDR 2 Million

PAPUA - The Puncak Regency Government (Pemkab) in Central Papua has raised the budget for scholarships for undergraduate and doctoral program students who study both at home and abroad.

Acting Regent of Puncak Darwin Tobing said the scholarship budget for S1 and S2 programs in 2024 had increased, where for the S1 scholarship, which was previously Rp600 thousand, it was increased to Rp1 million.

"Then for master's program students it is Rp. 2 million per month and for final study students it is Rp. 700 million for 200 people," he said in Jayapura, Monday, May 13, which was confiscated by Antara.

According to Tobing, currently, the total number of students from Puncak Regency who study at universities both at home and abroad is more than 1,500 people.

"So that the 2024 Puncak Regency APBD of IDR 1.56 trillion will be distributed to improve the quality of education in the area," he said.

He explained that the total available APBD was used for scholarships for undergraduate students amounting to Rp12.6 billion and S2 worth Rp1.2 billion and as well as Rp1.4 billion in dormitory operations but also Rp3.95 million in accommodation.

"So we make good use of this budget so that all usage and distribution are more orderly so that all students can receive it," he said again.

He added that the education sector continues to be a concern for the Puncak Regency Government in accordance with the vision and mission of the local government to produce a golden generation.

"We will continue to encourage the quality of education in Puncak Regency to be better in the future," he said.